8월에 여기 온 이후로, 줄곧 왔다 갔다하면서,
논문을 업데이트 시켰는데, 물론 Professor P. Abetti 와함께.
바쁜시간을 쪼개어 했는데 많이 도와주셔서 나름 빨리 논문을 실게 되었다.
뭐 좋은 저널은 아니지만, Good start 라고 할 수 있을 것 같다.
1년도 안되어 저널에 실을 수 있으니 그냥 가문의 영광이라고 할까.

아무튼, 이번것을 바탕으로 앞으로 조금더 향상된 저널에 실릴수 있기를 기원한다.
가야할 길은 멀지만, 뭐 불가능 해 보이지도 않는다.

Journal information.

World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development  (WRSTSD)
ISSN (Online): 1741-2234  -  ISSN (Print): 1741-2242

WRSTSD is a multidisciplinary refereed review on issues that will be central to world sustainable development through efficient and effective technology transfer, the challenges these pose for developing countries, and the global framework for dealing with science and technology. The general theme of WRSTSD is to discuss integrated approaches to the problems of technology transfer within an urban and rural development context. The theme has been very carefully chosen to include science and technology and the challenges these represent in terms of sustainable development. More seriously - how we are going to feed an ever-increasing world population, and also manage our land and food, fibre and energy production with increasing demands for conservation and alternative use of natural resources?



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